Read the Austin Innovation District 2018 Annual Review

The 2018 Annual Review is live!

Download and read the 12 stories showcasing the individuals and organizations that are seeding Austin’s innovation ecosystem.


In our review you can find the following:

  • A letter from CCI’s executive director, Chris Laing

  • A timeline overview of Austin’s Innovation District and CCI

  • Stories from Waller Creek, Impact Hub, Merck, and many more!

See how Austin’s Innovation District is beginning to form by connecting innovators, investing in innovation, building capacity, and creating place for Austin’s health innovation ecosystem!

Also, we give a special thanks to Husch Blackwell in Austin for supporting our work to get this review completed! We wouldn’t be able to support and share the stories of Austin’s Innovation District Without support from the community and our various partners.


Victoria O'Dell, Program and Communications Manager, Capital City Innovation
As program and communications manager of Capital City Innovation, Victoria facilitates channels for collaborative work around Austin's emerging Innovation district in downtown Austin and beyond. Previously, she was a freelance designer working with non-profits, small businesses, and startups across Austin.

Follow Victoria on Twitter @victoria_odell



Vic is a nonbinary heARTist with a penchant for all things unseen. Their multidisciplinary work is driven by their sleeping and waking dreams.